
Tour Tuesday and the Manse, Three Dog Winery and #WILB

In this Tour Tuesday, Tom attends a conference for Women, Tara talks poo and River hates Mud.

0:08 WILB Conference – http://www.wilbconference.com – #WILB
0:30 How to prepare your Home to Sell.
1:01 Jeff Murray – KDM Law – http://kdmlaw.ca
1:30 Price Increases in the Quinte Area and Why?
2:45 Why we can’t just give a price online, why we ask question about your home.
3:25 What was the mysterious smelling bag?
3:48 Maple in the County – http://mapleinthecounty.ca – #mapleinthecounty
4:38 Three Dog Winery – http://www.threedogwine.com – @threedogwine ‏
4:54 The Mance Inn – http://www.themanse.ca – @TheMansePicton ‏
5:46 River dislikes mud!
6:21 Another home sold, Hollowview, full PRICE!