Tour Tuesday and the Skating Day

We have new listing folks and there will be a skiing event coming up on family day. Check our video to get more details about it!

00:30 We listed a beautiful property at 74 Country Charm. Beautiful home with 3 bedrooms and three bathrooms!
02:24 There will be a skiing event coming up on family day. Visit I love Belleville page for more details.
2:52 Have free skating everybody on that day.
03:00 80 Grier St. #101, beautiful condo.
03:07 We’ve got beautiful 21 C Peats Point waterfront.
03:20 28 Dungannon Dr., Belleville gorgeous home with beautiful neighborhood.
04:10 We will be in a training next week for the new system that we will be using. It will be an entire change with how the system looks and how it works.