Tour Tuesday and Great Scott

Team 0:00
It’s Tour Tuesday!

Tom Lyons 0:05
The day we don’t tour homes because we’re not allowed to.

Tara Lyons 0:10
We are allowed to, but with restrictions. We’re not allowed to do tour anymore right now, it’s too many people in the house all at once.

Tom Lyons 0:17
Just wait, I got it.. Great Scott!

Julie 0:20
We just watched the Back to the Future movies with Blake.

Tom Lyons 0:25
They were awesome. I loved him.

Julie 0:27
He liked them.

Tom Lyons 0:28
I should watch. Were they on Disney? Where were they?

Julie 0:31
They were on? I think they were on Netflix. If I remember correctly.

Tara Lyons 0:37
We all decided we tried doing our own hair this past weekend.

Julie 0:42
Epic fail!

Tara Lyons 0:45
Although we both agree, Julie’s hair looks AWESOME.

Tom Lyons 0:49
This is what happens, you know. For those of you that watched when Tara cut my hair live on Facebook. This is what it looks like after it’s grown back out. It was such an even cut. It came out at nice.

Tara Lyons 1:04
And apparently when Tom goes and buys my hair products, he wants me to be a blonde.

Julie 1:12
We thought we’d have some fun today. Make people laugh!

Tom Lyons 1:16
I kinda look like Sonic the Hedgehog.

Julie 1:20
Sure it’s not on backwards?

Tom Lyons 1:25
This is my natural hair!

Tara Lyons 1:28
We tried that! ..We that’s what we were. We had our morning meeting. We had our morning meeting and everyone’s like “Oh my goodness!”

Julie 1:37
Everybody’s awake, everybody’s awake.

Tara Lyons 1:39
It did what we intended it to do so. But now we can’t take them off because our hair underneath is really not good. Okay, so we’ve had one great announcement this week, and that was, well we’ve had a couple, the stress test is starting to be loosened up a bit. It’s not A huge amount right now it’s up, it was up 5.04%. And now it’s at 4.94%. But I mean, it’s heading in the right direction. So this is what we’re excited to see and what we wanted to see. It’s a little later than we were hoping but the stress test is coming down. And of course, what that means is, it could loosen up some money for you. So talk to your financial person, if you don’t have one, get ahold of us. And we can certainly set you up with somebody because it could change what it is you’re qualified for. So that’s one positive. Another positive is things are starting to open up. I’m sure everybody heard that last Thursday. And so over the weekend, we saw some different businesses opening up and

Tom Lyons 2:43
Anybody went to Home Depot or Lowe’s, you certainly saw those things opened up.

Tara Lyons 2:47
Yes.. But marinas and parks.. other than the equipment in the parks.. But at least now you’re not going to get fined if you’re playing in the park. And just a lot of storefronts can do curbside pickup. We actually utilize that over the weekend. We went down to the county and we needed maple syrup. So we called ahead and got some curbside pickup for that. Just to try and help the businesses. They were grateful because of course they missed maple in the county this year, which is a massive moneymaker for them. So just try and remember try and shop local if you can. I know a lot of people want to do the online shopping and have it sent to your home. And that’s encouraged, of course, because people don’t want to be out but curbside pickup is pretty safe. A lot of these places have bins or cupboards outside in their driveway. You pay ahead of time, you come by, you pick it up, you go.

Julie 3:41
And lots of wineries, they’re doing curbside pickup too.

Tara Lyons 3:47
Yes. And we were down at Kinsip, if you haven’t heard they’ve got hand sanitizer they’re making. That’s a whiskey distillery. And they have a hand sanitizer so it was really easy.

Tom Lyons 4:01
Yeah so if you’re having a tough time finding a hand sanitizer, then just leave a, if you see this on Facebook, just leave a comment. We’ll tell you where Kinsip is. If not just Google it you’ll find it online.

Tara Lyons 4:12
66 Gilead Road in the county.. Prince Edward County.

Tom Lyons 4:14
55 Gilead Road..

Julie 4:19
The county.. the only county.

Tara Lyons 4:24
So the other thing too, lots of good news is, real estate is opening up more now. And we are still doing all the same protocols we’ve been doing for the last two months, two and a half months. But what’s happening now is we’re seeing a lot more homes coming on, buyers are coming out. And certainly under $300k, we’re seeing multiple offers and different price categories are reflected a little differently. So if you are thinking of selling, we’re actually saying you’ve got the green light there. It does again become specific because I mean, age still matters, things like that. But it actually is up to you. We are starting to open a little bit more on that. So we’re very fortunate in this area because our numbers are low and on the COVID side, and we seem to have it under control here. So it’s one of the reasons why, our offices are not open to the public just so you know. That is still not the case. We are still doing everything online and we are still limiting contact with people. But we are starting to see activity start to come up.

Tom Lyons 5:34
Yeah, I think the important thing here is if, if you’re waiting because you feel that there’s going to be this big price plunge in homes, we’re not seeing it happen. Right? Supply and demand decrease at the same pace, which means prices stayed where they were and, so depending on where the property is, and what price range it is, will depend on what’s going on with its price. But if you’re thinking that the market is just gonna dive, we’re not seeing that at all.

Tara Lyons 6:00
We’ve seen somewhere around a 1% or 2% decrease right now. So again, it is really specific because our higher end homes certainly have been hit harder. And lower priced homes have not been hit at all.

Tom Lyons 6:14
When the floodgates reopen, we expect prices to go up, right? And so you have to make a choice of whether you’re going to continue to try and gamble or whether you’re gonna try and find the home that you want to find.

Tara Lyons 6:28
Yeah. And we still are shy on inventory. So yeah, call us we can be more specific to your area.

Julie 6:34
Yeah, and your price point.

Tom Lyons 6:46
What else do we have going on?

Tara Lyons 6:47
I think that’s all we’ve got going on. Good long weekend. Oh! We do have the Ask Me Anything tonight.

Tom Lyons 6:55
By the time this gets posted, it will probably have occurred. But, but

Julie 7:01
We hope you enjoyed it!

Tara Lyons 7:05
It’s on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30pm thru Facebook Live.

Julie 7:10
Yeah, we had our Ask Me Anything for our clients on Friday and that went pretty well.

Tom Lyons 7:18
It went really well yeah.

Tara Lyons 7:19
Yeah, it was good. We had a good turnout and it was a lot of fun. It was fun seeing everybody on Zoom.

Julie 7:24
Yay! It was good to see people.

Tara Lyons 7:29
We did a pop-by to friends and clients on the weekend and, from a distance, and we’re dropping some shields off. And they’re like “Oh my gosh it was just so great to see you!” because they’re not seeing anybody. Oh, it was fun and we miss their faces.

Tom Lyons 7:49
You know who you are Deb! You do now!

Julie 7:54
Did she make you do a workout?

Tara Lyons 7:59
What’s that?

Julie 8:00
Did she make you do a workout?

Tara Lyons 8:01
No! ..Okay, well if you have any questions please let us know. It seems like people are a little more positive with a little bit more activity out there. But it also means you’ve still got to be really safe. Wear your masks, wear your gloves, wear your gel.

Tom Lyons 8:17
Yeah, so the more careful everybody is, the faster this passes us by and get more and more normal every day.

Julie 8:28
Yeah, don’t let your guard down just yet.

Tom Lyons 8:31
You might, I might not.

Tara Lyons 8:34
And we will get rid of the wigs!

Julie 8:39
They’re very itchy!

Tara Lyons 8:44
They’re hot and itchy!

Team 8:46
Ok then.. Tour Tuesday out!
